Christmas 2024 Store Opening Hours
Mon 23rd December:8.30-5.30
Tues 24th December: 8.30-4.00
Weds 25th December: CLOSED
Thurs 26th December: CLOSED
Fri 27th December: 8.30-5.30
Sat 28th December: 8.30-5.30
Sun 29th December: CLOSED
Mon 30th December: 8.30-5.30
Tues 31st January: 8.30-4
Weds 1st January: CLOSED
Thurs 2nd January: 8.30-5.30
Christmas Delivery Dates
Any order placed up to 1pm on 20th December for Fedex UK delivery will be delivered by the 24th, orders pl;aced until 1pm on the 23rd using Fedex should be delivered on the 24th but there are no guarantees. No Royal Mail deliveries can now be guaranteed of arrival in time for Christmas
Due to Courier and Postal shut downs any orders placed after the 23rd may be delivered between Christmas and New Year but are more likely to be with you the first week of January.
All Overseas orders placed from 19th onwards will be delivered ASAP but will likely be the New Year