Korda Leads

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Due to the four flat sides on the lead, it’s virtually impossible for the carp to roll this lead on the bottom. This means the carp has to move the whole lead, so feeling the full weight instantly...

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The Skyliner is the same shape as the Swivel Distance lead so it carries through many of the same qualities, like the swivel version it is designed as the furthest casting lead...

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These leads were deigned after filming Underwater Part Four. Without any doubt, when fishing on a hard gravel bottom inline leads hook the carp quicker than swivel type leads. The reason for this is that the fish always pick up the lead from the heavy end first, because the hook link is always attached to the heavy end of the lead...

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These leads are perfect for anywhere that you need more grip, like rivers, on the sides of bars, marginal slopes or boating out at extreme range. We have recorded that you can get the same grip with a 1oz Grippa as you can with a 2oz Swivel Pear lead...

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This lead was originally called the Distance Casting and was superseded several years ago when long-distance caster, Alan Partridge, convinced Dan that his distance shape cast further, which it did. Dan actually outcast his own lead with his shape!

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A flattened version of the popular Korda Swivel Pear leads. The high surface area makes them perfect for holding position on marginal slopes, gravel bars or on swift rivers. Their shape makes them particularly good hookers...

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The classic pear lead will cast a very very long way, almost as far as the Distance Casting and it is less affected by cross winds because the shape is very condensed. This means that the Pear lead is suited to most carp fishing situations when fishing anything up to the very limit of your casting ability...

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These beautiful leads have been designed to work in conjunction with the Heli-Safe bead. Instead of a swivel, they have a ring, which makes for a much neater connection to the Heli-Safe...

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The COG, A lead system that betters the hooking qualities of an inline, yet casts like a lead clip, with all its safety benefits It doesn’t exist, right Well, such a product is in tackle shops from tomorrow...

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The COG, A lead system that betters the hooking qualities of an inline, yet casts like a lead clip, with all its safety benefits It doesn’t exist, right Well, such a product is in tackle shops from tomorrow...

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A lead system that betters the hooking qualities of an inline, yet casts like a lead clip, with all its safety benefits It doesn’t exist, right Well, such a product is in tackle shops from tomorrow...

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These leads will remain uncoated as bare lead is far more effective at transmitting the contours of the lake bed more than a standard lead. Identify weed, silt, clay, gravel; you name it you can fish on it, or avoid it!

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The new Korda Inline safety leads have finally arrived. No more complicated fiddly setting up of drop off inline leads. These well engineered leads are simple to use, just tie on the safety link, attach lead and secure with tail rubber and cast out. Wait for a bite!

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For use with the dedicated Korda Inline Safety Kits to create an incredibly effective and safe inline lead set up with an ultra reliable release mechanism that will withstand any cast but ensures the lead will be released should be rig be lost or the fish gets weeded or snagged...

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Korda Flying Back Leads have been specially designed to help create a 'Safe Zone' around the baited area, The unique design enables the weight and insert to be removed quickly and easily, These leads will lower the line in the water, keeping it closer to the lake bed and away from shy feeding carp...