Korda Bite Indicators

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Indicator body has 70% white or black and 30% crystal clear front, once isotope is fitted it looks as if it's floating in the plastic. Supplied with a small tool for removing/inserting the isotope...

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Damian Clarke designed these super-slick additional weights for fishing at long range, or with tight lines. Because the length of the Korda Stow bobbin has to stay the same to ensure that they drop away on the bite, Damian had to find a way to add weight without adding length...

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These are ultra-cult! For the understated look you can buy black chains for your Korda Stows. As with the silver chains, there are two sizes available...

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Korda Stow Bars are the ultimate snag-fishing accessory. They are rod-retaining bars that allow you to fish locked-up, with the clutch screwed down tight, without the worry that you might lose a rod on a vicious take...

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The ultimate in protection for your Korda Stow indicators. These magnetic protective cases have been custom designed to hold your Korda Stow indicators securely...

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What a neat, user-friendly idea this is. Instead of having to unscrew your bobbins at the end of your session, these magnetic gadgets allow you to simply pop the indicators off in an instant. Of course, they're made of stainless steel, so they'll last practically forever!

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These little magnetic gizmos allow you to use other types of indicator with the Korda Stow system. The adaptors screw onto most commercially available cords or chains and click perfectly into the Magnetic Hockey sticks...

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Instead of having to unscrew your bobbins at the end of your session, these Black Hockey magnetic sticks allow you to simply pop the indicators off in an instant. Made from stainless steel...