Korum Stealthmode Centrepin Reel
This Korum Stealthmode Centrpin is a fantastic value for money centrepin, not only a great reel to give piun fishing a try wothout breaking the bank but this reel is way better than the price tag reflects!
The Drennan Visi Wag 1 is an insert waggler with a 4mm hollow Hi-Viz banded tip and comes in seven sizes ranging from 1g to 4g...
New and improved for 2016, Drennan Insert Crystals® are a slimmer version of Giant Crystals with a thinner and more sensitive insert tip...
New and improved for 2016, Drennan Loaded Insert Crystals are slim, semi-loaded wagglers with a sensitive insert...
New and improved for 2016, Drennan Giant Crystals are larger in diameter than Insert Crystals but still feature a sensitive insert for enhanced bite detection...
New and improved for 2016, Drennan Loaded Giant Crystals are similar to Loaded Insert Crystals but have an increased body diameter and perfectly proportioned insert...
Drennan Pellet Wagglers are designed to fish pellets up in the water, a great tactic during the warmer months...
Drennan Loaded Pellet Wagglers are designed to fish with pellets in the upper layers of the water, a deadly tactic during the summer months...
Drennan Loaded Glow Tip Carp Wagglers feature our transparent Crystal®-style construction with a 6.6mm diameter straight tube in a light brown tint to preserve the Glow Tip effect...
Drennan Loaded Glow Tip Carp Inserts feature our transparent Crystal®-style construction with a 6.6mm diameter straight tube and a stepped 4mm insert in a light green tint to preserve the Glow Tip effect...
A fantastic range of 24 Puddle Chuckers designed primarily for commercial fisheries they are an ideal choice of waggler for fishing up in the water or in shallow depths of water...
Drennan Crystal Wagglers are a large family of straight, tubular models that are ideal for shallow or clear water where the fish can be ‘float shy’...
Drennan Giant Wagglers are a clear, straight float with a thicker tip for better visibility and buoyancy. Drennan Giant Wagglers are just as buoyant as peacock quill, consistent, accurate, cast well and fish well...
Drennan Giant Wagglers are a clear, straight float with a thicker tip for better visibility and buoyancy. Drennan Giant Wagglers are just as buoyant as peacock quill, consistent, accurate, cast well and fish well...
Drennan Loaded Peacock Straight floats cast like a dream. They are a versatile loaded version of the popular Drennan straight Peacocks, featuring interchangeable base weights...
Drennan Peacock Wagglers are equally at home on rivers and lakes, making this float pattern a true all rounder...
As the name suggests the Preston Innovations Precision Pellet Wagglers fly like an arrow exactly where you cast them, making the smaller sizes perfect for 'mugging' large wary carp...
Made from high-density 10mm diameter Foam. Ideal for fishing very shallow, floats dives very little on entering the water. Makes minimum disturbance ideal for wary, pressured fish. The ideal float when looking to mug cruising fishing...
The canal dibber is thicker tipped version of the Locslide Canal and is a great float for fishing a still bait against the far shelf of canals or slow rivers. They are also good for close in work in shallow lakes...
These locslide floats are almost unbeatable for leger or feeder fishing in slow rivers or still waters. The floats will lock to the right depth on their own allowing you to fish those previously un-fishable swims...
The canal dibber is thicker tipped version of the Locslide Canal and is a great float for fishing a still bait against the far shelf of canals or slow rivers. They are also good for close in work in shallow lakes...
These locslide floats are almost unbeatable for leger or feeder fishing in slow rivers or still waters. The floats will lock to the right depth on their own allowing you to fish those previously un-fishable swims...
These locslide floats are almost unbeatable for leger or feeder fishing in slow rivers or still waters. The floats will lock to the right depth on their own allowing you to fish those previously un-fishable swims...