Korum Stealthmode Centrepin Reel
This Korum Stealthmode Centrpin is a fantastic value for money centrepin, not only a great reel to give piun fishing a try wothout breaking the bank but this reel is way better than the price tag reflects!
Kryston hooklinks have broken more records than any other single brand on sale, so it's not surprising that the world's finest carp anglers endorse Kryston hooklinks as testament to their effectiveness and reliability.
Kryston Bogey is a unique sticky jelly-like glue that enables you to create solid seed hook-baits from the particle of your choice...
This product is essential for those concerned about hook-lengths looping off the bottom. Drop Em is any easy-to-use tungsten wax compound that instantly sinks all brands of mono and braids...
The casting sensation. Now at last you can hit those previously unreachable areas...
The heaviest tungsten putty! Back in 1990 when we first introduced our famous putty to the market anglers greeted it with open arms...
Kryston Klin-ik, The most advanced carp care recovery treatment ever developed.
Carp fishing is never the same; when we visit new places there are venues that can be brutal on our normal choice of tackle...
No Tangle is a specially formulated gel hooklength treatment that comes in a water-soluble gel base. It will bond the filaments of Multi-Strand and stiffen all loose supple braids to prevent tangles...
Introducing the carp world’s heaviest lead core. How heavy? Pick up a spool, feel the weight and the question is immediately answered; incredibly it weighs in over six times heavier than many of the lightweights currently on sale...
If you’re seeking a traditional braid that offers superb presentation over a wide range of waters, then look no further. Equally at home over soft silty bottoms, hard gravel bars, on still waters or rivers this outstanding ultra braid is ‘the’ only choice for many anglers...
At last a leader or hook-length designed to handle monsters and laugh in the face of snags. Superb against dense weed beds, sunken trees, boulders, mussel coated gravel bars or any nightmare swim...
Well Ard is a silicone based liquid solution that has been create to provide an anti-friction coating to the leader section of your tackle set-up...