Thinking Anglers End Tackle

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These new Zig Kicker colours have been introduced to emulate a wider range of emerging insects to suit a broader range of venues, moving away from gawdy and obvious bright colours that can look so obvious to fish that have already been angled for, and shy away from more blatant zigs...

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These easy-fit Ronnie Sleeves are designed for constructing perfect Spinner and German rigs, securely mounting hooks onto TA PTFE Quick Change Swivels. They are neutral density and have a natural looking segmented shape. Available in Green, Brown and Bloodworm Red.

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Grub Kickers feature a natural segmented shape and a short, 40° in-turned kicker to create a fast-turning and reactive hooking arrangement that improves the mechanics of most skinned or braided rigs.

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A super-strong, specialist, pure Fluorocarbon that is perfect for use as a boom material, whether you prefer to crimp or knot it. Crimp Link offers exceptional strength and shear resistance, which makes it ideal for use as a heavy-duty leader material. It also straightens beautifully for rig applications

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The Zig Roller is an innovative system that enables you to keep long zigs set up on your rods when you fold them down. The hooklink is wrapped around the disk and the soft ‘X’ shaped recess allows the Zig Roller to fit snugly on either 40mm or 50mm butt rings.

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The Zig Roller is an innovative system that enables you to keep long zigs set up on your rods when you fold them down. The hooklink is wrapped around the disk and the soft ‘X’ shaped recess allows the Zig Roller to fit snugly on either 40mm or 50mm butt rings.

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Crimping forms extremely neat, strong, and reliable connections. Speed, ease and precision make crimping ideal for constructing
a range of specialist rigs, including Chod and Hinged hook sections, booms, and loops